Many women, with the arrival of spring, think about how to lose 3-5-7 kilograms weight in a week. The winter months and shapeless warm clothing contribute to the accumulation of extra inches at the waist and hips. What has been eaten over a cup of coffee in five minutes takes long hours of gym work to get rid of. Not all members of the fair sex will agree to swap his favorite TV show or hot bath for grueling workouts. Fortunately, when asked how to lose 5 kg in a week, there is a very real action plan. By observing it, you will be able to wear your favorite dress and fasten the belt to your pants in 7 days.


Normalizing the diet is one of the important things to lose a few pounds in a week. Change your lifestyle and you can overcome your food addiction. Stop having breakfast as soon as you get out of bed. Who told you to get a sandwich and a cup of coffee before leaving for work? Attitudes from childhood live in you. Mom didn't let you go to school without a portion of porridge or a sip of tea. It's time to let go of the stereotypes that greatly affect your completeness.

Don't rush to leave your workplace at lunchtime and hurry to taste the local cuisine. Ask yourself, “Am I really hungry? ” In most cases, you will answer no. The herd instinct leads the herd of animals to the trough and the employees to the canteen. The long stay on the line and the surrounding smells further stimulate the appetite. If you have a special kitchen at work, it is best to bring food from home. This way you will at least know what the food is made of. If you happen to eat in a restaurant, make it a rule to eat only one dish. It can be a whole serving of borscht, mashed potatoes with a cutlet, 300-400 grams of rolls or 2-3 stuffed peppers. dietWe remind you once again that there is only one type of food presented on the trays.


Paul Bragg, in his book on fasting, also said that you must earn your breakfast. Although his theory of him has its controversial points, it should be borne in mind that he lived to be 81 healthy and full of strength. Why don't you learn from this useful experience?

Your breakfast should not be earlier than 2 hours after waking up. At this point, your body will be ready to eat a small portion of food. Since dawn, you have spent some of the calories from your reserves and are now replenishing them.


This rule is often violated by those who want to lose weight. If half an hour after a large meal you feel like eating, this could indicate the following:

You are psychologically dependent. It is not the stomach, but the brain that sends you hunger signals. Remember to wait 3-4 hours to fully digest the food eaten. Only after this time can you experience a real attack of hunger. At first, you can fool your stomach with a cup of coffee or tea and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

The food eaten is not as healthy as it first appeared. An abundance of mayonnaise and ketchup, rancid fat, a combination of sweet cheesecakes and stews are all capable of making a little revolution in your stomach. People often mistakenly confuse an unpleasant inner burning sensation with hunger. In this case, you should drink a glass of mineral water or soda with a reduced sugar content. Soda will neutralize excess acidity and help you lose weight.

You are not really full. This can also be. A person who loses weight sometimes splashes a couple of tablespoons into their plate and eventually gets hungry. Even if you decide to lose an inch of your waist this week, you shouldn't be walking around for the next glass of kefir or a serving of soup. It is better to eat 50% of your daily diet for lunch than to be embittered by the whole world. Correctly distributing the amount of food and thus getting rid of excess weight will be the least painful.

In summary, to lose weight, you shouldn't eat more than 3-4 times a day. Each meal should be 3-5 hours different from the previous one. In between, you can drink tea, coffee, or mineral water without crackers, sandwiches, or other snacks. The juice should be drunk half an hour or an hour before the next large meal.

you shouldn't eat more than 3-4 times a day


In the sensational documentary Double Portion on fast food and in a book by the same author, sugar is covertly equated with a drug. The effect of white grains on the human body is in many ways similar to many opiates, only without such dire consequences. The worst thing that can happen to you is diabetes. However, the sweetness is addictive. Any donut or cake stimulates the production of the happiness hormone dopamine, thus giving the consumer some euphoria.

The research data is no secret at all. And they are known to all fast food bosses. To accommodate regulars, they add sugar to all dishes without exception. Even fried potatoes and meatballs. For a visual representation of the amount of sugar, we note that a half-liter bottle of fresh water contains about 50 grams.

This is by no means a promotion to avoid sugar for the rest of your life. It can be eaten, but in small portions. No more than 1 teaspoon per standard 350ml cup. If you want to lose 5 kilograms quickly, you will have to completely give up sugar. It isn't a big sacrifice to give up everything sweet for a week to get amazing results.


It is impossible to quickly lose 5 kg in a week when taking alcoholic beverages inside. Whether it's beer, wine, low-alcohol drink or 60-degree moonshine, their calorie content is comparable to a piece of cake of the same weight. The resulting feeling of lightness or airiness is only a figment of your imagination.

In addition to the high calorie content of alcohol, it also serves as an excellent aperitif before the main meal. How can you lose weight while taking appetite stimulating drugs? Therefore, exclude the use of alcohol-containing liquids during the diet. It definitely won't hurt you.


After wondering how to quickly lose 5 kg, you should be patient and follow one of the common diets. Fortunately, there are so many options that it won't be difficult to choose one that is feasible for yourself. There are several types of weekly diets:

Mono diets or fasting days. In this case, you are asked to eat only one type of food during the day. Of course, it will be difficult to sit on apples or potatoes for a whole week. Therefore, such fasting days alternate with each other. Do not repeat the same diet for more than 3 consecutive days.

Hungry diets. Instead of a whole plate of various delicacies, you can now eat no more than 3-4 tablespoons of your usual food for lunch. A sharp decrease in the amount of food consumed forces the body to spend the available reserves. The negative factor here is the constant feeling of hunger.

Diets that catalyze metabolism. Similar to mono diets. Mainly protein nutrition contributes to the restructuring of chemical processes within the body.

Fasting. It is also possible to lose weight on water without eating food. Not for nothing have we referred above to the adept of fasting Paul Bragg. Before doing this, however, you should consult with your doctor. Some types of chronic diseases can be exacerbated if you start feeding solely on water. Even a healthy person on the fifth day of refusing food may experience dizziness, disorientation in space and severe fatigue.

As you can see, there are a lot of diets to lose weight of 5 kg. The main thing is to remember that in the pursuit of beauty you should not lose health. In case of discomfort, stop the diet immediately and consult a doctor.



For those who still find it difficult to limit themselves in food, we can offer an option on how to lose 5 kg without diets. You just need to increase your calorie expenditure. Of course, training like Madonna or athletes for 6 hours straight in the gym is too extreme a stress for an organism that is not used to this. But walking around the city with a hike or through the woods with a basket of mushrooms will be both useful and informative. One condition: do not eat during this walk. What do you need to eat out? Nothing. Eat right before you go out and only take a bottle of sugar-free water with you.

The weather outside the window is not always conducive to long walks. To make up for lost time, we recommend that you do a sports workout. The best option would be to find the recordings of rhythmic gymnastics programs. Musical accompaniment and a whole group of athletes will help you get used to the desired rhythm and loads. In Soviet times, a whole commission of coaches and doctors worked on the preparation of such a set of exercises. Therefore, the safety of such activities at home is guaranteed. Foreign analogues sin with the same kind of exercises. They focus on repeating movements countless times. If you are unsure which technique is best for you, try both. Exercise until you notice muscle fatigue. Don't forget to dedicate 5 minutes after each session to stretching the trained muscles, otherwise you won't avoid the pain the next day.

Swimming is also a good way to lose weight. The 30-40 minutes allotted will help you gain tone, but the real weight loss will begin after the 2nd hour in the water. If you have a water park nearby, one day of such an active vacation will help you lose 1-1. 5 kilograms at the same time.